Missouri Growers Association

Who are we and how we began?

This Missouri Growers Assoication (MGA) was incorporated in 1991 to advance the Missouri vegetable industry by conducting education meetings, dissemination of information, promoting vegetable marketing and research, and cooperating with other organizations to support all aspects of vegetable production and marketing in Missouri.

The MGA originated as a cooperative effort of many individuals Missouri vegetable producers with assistance from the Horticultural Specialists at Lincoln University, University of Missouri - Columbia, and the Missouri Department of Agriculture.


The MGA offers an opportunity to make contacts, exchange ideas and information with others engaged in and related to specialty crops production and marketing. It is an avenue to be informed about and receive educational materials and information through newsletters, workshops and meetings. The organization will promote Missouri growers and also give you an opportunity to express your needs and concerns regarding the specialty crop Industry.

Membership and Newsletter

Learn about becoming a member and getting involved with MGA. One important benefit of becoming a member is the newsletter.

The Missouri Growers Association Newsletter is mailed quarterly and the articles and  announcements are oriented toward commercial growers. MGA organizes a number of farm tours and other educational activities every year. Receiving the newsletter is the best way to stay informed. Newsletter articles are submitted from extension, ag professionals and growers- the latter are highly encouraged.